Friday, January 25, 2008

"Good Girls" Back in Fashion?


What's going on? So here's the thing... I was watching E! News last night and they were talking about the "good girls" in celebrity-ville and the secrets to staying out of trouble. Is it just me or is the secret to staying out of trouble as simple as following the rules our fabulous mothers laid down when we were little. Stand tall. Sit up straight. Cross your legs at the ankles and not at the knee (especially when you have a skirt or dress on). Don't be loud. DON'T DO DRUGS! DON'T SLEEP WITH EVERYONE!!! Seriously, what's between our legs is a lady's most precious treasure. Please stop handing it out to every scrub that gives you the time of day.

(Huff.. huff.. huff.....)

OK. Now that I'm off the soap box. The news segment mentioned a few names of ladies that were living the fabulous life AND staying out of trouble. Girls like Miley Cirus and Hayden Panatierre. Now I have nothing against those ladies, but THESE Divas have been doing the thang for much longer and with more class than a little. So I'm going to recognize them myself:

Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child

Lauren London


Tia Mowry

Now in NO WAY is this list all-inclusive. Us honey-covered delicacies know how to carry ourselves inside and outside the limelight. So with that being said, "Good Girls" back in fashion? Not back. We Divas have been en vogue since the beginning of time. Take notice. Take heed. Be fab.

Be well.

The Duchess

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